I dont shy away from cameras and spotlights, whether its with sex or not, 61-year-old divorcee, mother and grandmother Mia Magnusson said. When youre younger, being awkward and shy, youre a lot more inhibited and shy, and, at least women, you attach a great romantic expectation out of sex, so youre always riding that high and low of broken hearts. When you get older, you can enjoy it for what it is. Freer and more fun. Today, this saucy Aussie is having a lot of fun. Shes not having fun doing dishes, although that is what shes doing in the opening photos. Im at home in my kitchen today. Just doing some dishes. Somebody bought me a new kitchen appliance. Can you guess what it is! Do you think its a dishwasher! No. Is it a blender! No, I already have a blender. Do you think its a food processor! Well, its a processor but not necessarily for food. Let me show you what it is. Youre gonna love it. Well, heres the deal. Its not really a kitchen appliance. Oh, sure,